The concept of MAPS
The concept of MAPS is to create a vast, stable, and sustainable blue carbon credit market.
Currently, the areas we intend to promote include not only Taiwan but also Palau, with a total development project covering 6,400 hectares. It is estimated to
sequester a total of 8.4 million metric tons of carbon. We believe that the application of carbon taxes can effectively address climate change issues, and the carbon
credits generated by the IDW MAPS system will assist large corporations in achieving their ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Objectives.
What contribution does IDW's provided
solution actually make to the Earth?
Sustainable Food
IDW produces shrimp that are organic, safe ingredients without antibiotics and other chemical
substances. This helps provide sustainable food choices, reducing negative impacts on the environment and food safety issues.
Land Reutilization
Combining shrimp farming with renewable energy allows land to be reused. This integration reduces
the need for developing pristine land and contributes to the preservation of natural ecosystems.
Community Coexistence
IDW is committed to coexisting with the community. The proceeds from carbon credit sales benefit local residents. Additionally, the construction of shrimp farms provides employment opportunities for the community, promoting economic development.
Increasing Biodiversity
Mangroves are a crucial part of the ecosystem, nurturing small fish and shrimp, among other organisms. By protecting and increasing mangrove areas, biodiversity is enhanced, maintaining the populations of flora and fauna within the mangrove ecosystem.
Mitigation of Sea Level Rise
Mangroves can also mitigate the impacts of sea-level rise, resist the threat of tsunamis, and further advance us towards the concept of net-zero carbon emissions.
We align with the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) in these areas.